Stone Floor Care

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Stone Floor Cleaning Product and What You Need to Know About

In this article, we would like to introduce you to several highly recommended floor cleaning products:

  • Stone floor cleaner
  • Marble cleaner
  • Tile Cleaner
  • Marble polishing products
  • The IMEC Disc is a cleaning tool which is suitable for the IMEC iBlack Dr17 – 17″ Diamond Restore Polishing Machine. The cleaning disc attaches easily to the polishing machine and restores floors made from granite, marble, terrazzo, glaze, ceramic and mosaic. The reason, why so many people opt for this machine is its multifunctionality.

    The IMEC iBlack

  • Removes a thin layer of scratches on the flooring
  • Smoothen and restores discolouring
  • Maintains and refreshes all types of stone floors
  • Detergent-free

  • Why Choose iMEC Stone Floor Cleaning Product?

    The cleaning disc comes in different colours, depending on the floor you want to use it for with a thickness of 5-7mm thick. A perfect tile cleaner, which finishes the job in no time! To keep your stone, marble or tile flooring fresh and hygienic for a long time, as well as extend its durability we recommend the IMEC D100 Floor Diamond Coat. This coating penetrates deep into the gapes of the floor and therefore creates a shield, which restores, protects and maintains. The perfect floor care for all stone, tile or marble floors.

    Last but not least, and in particular developed for marble floors is the IMEC MPP-A Marble Powder. In a high traffic area, the precious marble floor may become dull and lifeless. In this case, use our IMEC MPP-A Marble Powder to bring the sparkle back. All our products are available online. Call or email us, if you have any inquiries about tile cleaner, marble polishing and stone floor maintenance. We love to hear from you and help you with our floor cleaning solutions.

    Tags: stone floor care, stone floor maintenance, stone floor cleaner, marble cleaner, tile cleaner, tile floor cleaner, marble floor cleaner, marble polishing, marble floor polishing, granite floor polishing, granite polish
